Weekly Government Affairs Update

STATE LEGISLATURE GOES INTO SUMMER RECESS: With summer recess approaching, legislators have been considering numerous bills of
importance to C.A.R.

AJR 15 (Irwin) State and Local Tax (SALT) Deduction Limitation: Repeal: C.A.R. supports AJR 15, which calls on Congress to repeal the SALT deduction limitation so that residents of California and married taxpayers are no longer penalized by the federal tax code. This bill is currently pending on the Senate Floor.


Through active opposition, C.A.R and its allies defeated SB 1201 (Durazo) Limited Liability Companies: Personal Information - This bill, among other provisions, requires “beneficial owners” of limited liability companies (LLCs) to disclose in the statement to the Secretary of State their name and complete business or home address. LLCs are already required to file an extensive amount of information with the Secretary of State. C.A.R. strongly opposes SB 1201, which requires owners to provide unnecessary personal information that could be misused, potentially putting owners at risk. Many advocates claim that this information is necessary for tenants, but existing law already protects tenants. SB 1201 was scheduled to be heard in the Assembly Banking and Finance Committee on July 1, 2024, but due to the efforts of C.A.R. and its allies, it will not be moving forward this year

- Read about these and many more here!

We've launched a new REALTOR® Action Fund Metrics page!

Not only can you see how our association is doing, but you can check out your own investment details. This innovative tool keeps you informed andshows how you can join the movement. Dive into the live updates and be part of the change today!

RAF fund Matrix
Realtor Party of Citrus Valley logo

Invest in RAF

Did you know that your investment to RAF supports the real estate industry by advocating for legislation that protects homeownership, property rights, and promotes a thriving real estate market. Investing to the RAF, you are actively participating in shaping the future of our profession and ensuring our voices are heard in the political arena as follows:
Influence: Your investment empowers the real estate community to advocate for policies that impact our industry.

Protection: The RAF defends homeownership rights and property rights, safeguarding the interests of homeowners and real estate professionals alike.

Growth: Your investment provides growth and sustainability of the real estate market.Together, we can make a difference and advance our profession

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New Contributors receive a 15 min headshots

If you have made an investment of 20.00 or more the the realtor action fund in the month of October, click the link below to schedule your headshot appointment.

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Legislative Day Scholarship 2024!

The Citrus Valley Association of REALTORS® Legislative Day Scholarship program is ready for 2024!  This program is designed to allow CVAR members who have never experienced Legislative Day to participate at an in-depth level and learn up close how the California Association of REALTORS® works on behalf of REALTOR® members and their clients to help support Real Estate friendly legislation and oppose issues which are detrimental to the industry.CVAR will cover the costs of:  Round trip airfare from Ontario Airport, 2 nights at the Sterling Hotel, dinner at the Grange Restaurant and lunch at Cafeteria 15 L.  You will attend the CAR legislative briefing and then after lunch, meet with members of the State Assembly and Senate on issues of importance to you and your business.The dates are May April 30-May 2nd .in Sacramento.  The Legislative Day Scholarship application can be found at:   To be eligible for the scholarship applicants must be a CVAR member, an investor in the REALTOR Action Fund at the $199 level and have never attended Legislative Day.  The deadline to apply is March 8.  Winners will be notified not later than March 15h 2024.  Legislative Day has remained C.A.R.’s pinnacle REALTOR® legislative event. It gives California REALTORS® the opportunity to meet and discuss real estate related issues directly with their state legislators and staff.  Attending Legislative Day is not only a great investment in your business, but it also provides you with an opportunity to hear from California's most dynamic political leaders and the leadership of your state association.  Plus, after a rewarding day of business, you will enjoy a dinner with your Scholarship colleagues.

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